Application and Contract

The first step to certification of the commercial chain is to establish contact with one or a number of certification institutes.

Management fills out an application form and can see on  a checklist of the certifier see if the company is ready for certification.

The SKAL checklist, for example, shows:

  • Is there a map with information about locations of storage and processing?
  • Is there  a description of the wood processing activities,  of the company’s organization and the product offered?
  • Is there a physical and administrative separation of  raw material to finished product?
  • Is there a record of the purchase and sale of wood products?

The certifier and the company discuss together about the procedures, timing and costs. Ultimately, a contract is signed, which include that all sensitive information of the company is not to be disclosed.




 PDF -checklist SKAL
 PDF- application SKAL
 PDF- Data on CoC certification (FSC- The Netherlands)