FSC procedures

FSC is an international organization with 450 individual members. At national level, national initiatives or representations are concerned with:

  • standard development
  • promotion of FSC and logo use
  • communication between FSC International and national interest groups

In more than 30 countries, FSC contacts or FSC Working Groups (NWG) are active.

FSC demands on the national process are:

  • shared "ownership" and adequate representation of all stakeholders. Three sectors (economic, social and environmental) should be represented and encouraged to participate. When the group is recognized by FSC,  more than half of the members of the working group should be FSC members.
  • fair decision making  (by consensus or 2/3 majority)
  • transparency through clear documentation (procedures, minutes of meetings and draft versions of the standard). The reports are public, except for the internal inspection.
  • periodic revision of the standard (every 2-5 years)
  • compatibility. The certification scheme should be adapted to national legislation and processes in the region. The national standard is a translation of the international principles and criteria.
  • the presence of an appeal procedure in case of conflicts.

FSC procedures can be downloaded from the FSC website (see document list).

Forest Stewardship Council (international)

The responsibilities of the parties are listed below:
  PDF- Roles, rights and response abilities FSC players