Forest Management Planning
SBB will create for each forest management unit a forest management plan (Article 10 forest law). A vision of forest development is necessary for this. A management plan indicates how a forest develops after the first harvest, and after how many years (rotation) it can be harvested again. Also the way of rejuvenating the forest is displayed in a management plan.
A management plan describes all the technical requirements for rational use of the forest (forest law Article 10), as:
- forest composition, wood stock and annually allowable logging, division into sub regions
- road construction options (improved access to forests and bridges) and potential landing sites and encampments
- requirements for administration and organization
- topographic map 1:25,000
Celos Management System, the Surinamese timber cultivation expert system, adds:
- zoning in FMUs (forest management units from 20,000 to 25,000 ha) and distribution in compartments (100-400 ha).
- long-term vision for forest development in the relevant field
- medium-term vision (10 years)
- soil map 1:100,000
The CMS has not yet been tried on a commercially. It should be examined whether the system meets the current requirements for sustainable forest management. For example, the elimination of competing species by the use of chemicals is not allowed.