Application and Contract

The first step towards certification of forest management is to fill out an application form for one or more certification institutes.

This application gives the certifier insight into the operations and management of forests, and thus the feasibility, the length and the estimated costs of the certification process. The application form has information on:

  • contact
  • purpose of certifying
  • data on forest management:area of the forest management units, annual production and wood, organizational structure, identification of stakeholders
  • general information about the company

The certifying institute in turn informs the applicant about the process, the requirements for certification, and the estimated cost.

hen certification is feasible and the applicant and the certifier come to an agreement, a contract will then be signed for research or for the entire project. Some certifiers also give a checklist. This allows the forest manager to see in advance what further steps should be taken before the actual contract will be signed.
Parts of the SKAL checklist:

  • are there maps of the area available?
  • is there a management plan with a medium and long-term vision, is there a work plan?
  • Is there a list of tasks, responsibilities and decision structures within the management unit?
  • Is there a security plan  for the workers?
  • is there a controlled method of logging (RIL)?
  • Is there a description of the state of the forest? What guarantee is there for the preservation of the ecosystem?
  • is there  a clear adminsitration for purchase of materials and sale of forest products?
  • are there written procedures for questions and complaints from third parties?


 PDF-  SKAL application
PDF -  SKAL checklist