Five Steps

Upon the sale of certified wood it is important that every company in the commercial chain (agency, importer, sawmill, flooring manufacturer, wholesale, retail, etc) can prove with certainty that the sold wood come from sustainably produced forest. This is possible if the commercial chain is certified.

 The certification of the commercial chain - also called Chain of Custody (CoC) certification - is a method through which the timber flow from the forest to the end user can be examined and checked. Every company, or link in the chain must be separately certified by an independent institute (see figure).

 Aspects to be checked are:

  • recognition and identification of the timber flows through proper labeling
  • traceability through a physical separation in the processing and storage
  • risk analysis on the non-separation of timber flows
  • quantity control (good records of purchase and sale)
  • training and informing staff about the chain of custody procedures
  • use of logo and label

Testing is done using a COC standard with principles, criteria, indicators and standards.

  • sawn timber
  • chips and fiber products
  • assembled products

PDF-  FSC general principles and criteria for the commercial chain
 PDF- SKAL principles and criteria for the commercial chain

Currently, FSC is reviewing  the COC standard (see FSC website, go to document list, section FSC policies and standards, or visit the COC website review homepage).

Forest Stewardship Council (international)

 Suriname has no experience yet with the certification of the commercial chain.