Determining the standard

A certifier must have the authority to work according to a certain scheme  to evaluate, test and certify the forest management. Various international FSC have accredited certification institutes

The forest manager, applicant of the certificate, makes a  choice beforehand for a particular certification scheme, and thus the standard against which it will be tested.

FSC has international criteria and indicators, which are translated into the local context. When this is done by a national working group and the national standard is accepted ( endorsed) by FSC International, then the certifier is required to use the national standard.

If the national working group is not active, or the standards are not "endorsed" yet, then the certifier itself will develop international guidelines, based on research and interviews with specialists.

 Suriname has no national standard for sustainable forest management yet. A national forest certification working group was established, which among others, must initiate the formulation of this standard. The working group is not active yet.
Neighboring Guyana has developed a national standard. This standard is in a test phase.

  PDF- National Standard for Forest Certification Guyana (third version)
 PDF- SKAL international FSC standard