Peer review and decision
A team of 2-3 independent specialists read the inspection report and evaluate the report for completeness, accuracy and feasibility.
The team provides remarks and comments about the content and can adjust the conclusion of the report. Minors may be converted into majors and vice versa.
If the company has acted in compliance with the major corrective actions, the certificate may be awarded for a period of 5 years. Each certificate has a number, consisting of an abbreviation of the certifying institute + type of certificate + number. An example is SKAL FM/CoC-016656.
If a company disagrees with the decision of the certifying institute, the company can appeal to the certifier itself or if that does not like to FSC International. FSC has an official "dispute resolution process".The certifier will send copies of the reports and decisions to the headquarters of FSC in Bonn.
The certifier makes a summary of the inspection report, and makes it publicly available. On the websites of the certification institutes public inspection reports can be read. These public reports do not contain sensitive business information which can harm the competitive position, such as financial data and planned timber harvest.
PDF- Public certification report Forestry North Holland