What will happen?

Suriname does much to promote  rational use of its forests. We have  seen and read that earlier.

Yet there is still much work to be done according to the principles of sustainable forestry work. Examples are:

  • continuation of forest inventories
  • writing management plans, in which a vision of forest development is the focal point
  • comparison of national legislation with international principles of sustainable forest management
  • establish local criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management
  • create a code of practice for forest harvesting, according to RIL principles
  • refine the system of  log tracking
  • certified model companies
  • training and research.


Timber Sector Platform of Suriname,  has founded the Smart Forestry Development Management company established. This is a company that will work towards an increased timber production and a sustainable and accelerated production development. Cooperation between forest (exploiting) companies is initiated, and company standards are developed.

Tropenbos International launches a research program together with CELOS in Suriname.

WWF-Guianas supports and co-finances certification initiatives in Guyana and Suriname. Experiences in the region are exchanged in this program.
In Suriname the Ansoe company has started the FSC certification process. The preliminary investigation (pre-scoping) is already done by SGS Qualifor. The main inspection was  scheduled for early 2005.

Neighboring Guyana is working hard to be internationally recognized for its forest management and forest use. A code of practice is already present and a third draft version of Criteria and Indicators published and discussed.

Code of Practice for Timber Harvesting in Guyana (second version)
National Standard for Forest Certification Guyana (third version)
Smart Forestry Development Management company